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April 6, 2025: Matzo ball cooking in the CGoP kitchen from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

April 13, 2025: 2nd Night Seder at 6:00 p.m. Register here: 

May 13, 2025: Annual Open Board Meeting at 7:00 p.m.

May 24, 2025: Closing Dinner and Installation of Officers and Board


Sisterhood is an ideal setting to cultivate new friendships while enjoying worship, social events and advocacy. Some of our activities include:

Book Club/Review 
Guest Speaker Events
Holiday and Family Events
Social Justice/ Advocacy Activities and much more
Your generous support allows Sisterhood to provide financial and volunteer assistance to our Temple, our Youth and the Community, including Direct Financial support, Camp and Youth Scholarships, Shabbat Onegs and Educational Programming.We hope you will consider supporting Congregation Gates of Prayer Sisterhood at a level that is comfortable for you.


Gates Gifts 
Please visit us for all your gift shopping needs. 
Hours TBA.  
Call Janet Krane for appointment. 


Sisterhood's Nominating Committee respectfully submits the following Executive Committee and General Board Members for the 2025-2026, 2026-2027 term:


Executive Committee

President - Joanne Fried

Executive VP - Lilliann Gross

Programming VP - Jennifer Schexnayder

Social Action VP - Julia Zuckerman

Fundraising VP - Carol Sadowsky

Treasurer - Michelle Bassham

Gift Shop Treasurer - Judy Lieberman

Membership Secretary - Jeijei Feinberg

Recording Secretary - Barri Bronston

Corresponding Secretary - Anne Chirinos


General Board Members

Lazelle Alexander, Isadora Althans, Carol Berman, Cathy Botnick, Cindy Denn, Lauren Gerber, Renee Goldstein, Janet Krane, Susan Levin, Donna Raymond, Sarah Schatzmann, EllenRae Shalett, Judy Stiebel, Nicole Stone, Amy Thomas, Heidi Vizelberg




President: Margery Thomas
Programming Vice President: Joanne Fried
Social Action Vice President: Lillian Gross
Fundraising Vice President: Mitzi Preston
Membership Secretary: JeiJei Feinberg
Gift Shop Treasurer: Judy Lieberman
Treasurer: Michelle Bassham
Assistant Treasurer: DeeGee Liniado
Recording Secretary: Barri Bronston
Corresponding Secretary: Anne Chirinos
Parliamentarian: Joanne Fried
Immediate Past President: Judy Lieberman

General Board: Lazelle Alexander, Brooke Berger, Carol Berman, Cathy Botnick, Cindy Denn, Robin Freedman, Lauren Gerber, Susan Glade, Janet Krane, Susan Levin, Donna Raymond, Carol Sadowsky, Sarah Schatzmann, Judy Stiebel, Nicole Stone, Amy Thomas, Heidi Vizelberg, Dina Zeevi, Julia Zuckerman


Past-Sisterhood Presidents (Board Members)

Judy Lieberman, 2021-23

Claudia Shabatei, 2019-21

Diana Mann, 2017-19

Jennifer Daley, 2015-17

Lisa Dayan, 2013-15

DeeGee Liniado , 2011-13

Mitzi Preston, 2009-11

Susan Scharff, 2007-09

Mitzi Preston, 2005-07

Debbie Schlackman, 2003-05

Sherri Tarr, 2001-03

Joanne Fried/Harriet Kugler, 1999-2001

Sandra Cameron, 1997-99

Marilyn Neumann, 1995-97

Joanne Fried, 1993-95

MaxineGoodman/CecileWashofsky*, 1999-93

Cynthia F Emerman, 1989-91

Jaclyn C Silverman, 1987-89

Darlene Lake, 1985-87

Sylvia H Kansas, 1983-85

Mrs. Melville Z. Wolfson, 1981-83

Gayle Brignac, 1979-81

Sherry Harris, 1977-79

Lynn Plotkin.,1976-77

Rae Sara Mayer, 1974-76

Mrs. Dobin Friedman*, 1972-74

                      Paula Joseph, 1970-72                       

Hermine Reiter*, 1968-70

Mrs. Sam Breen*, 1966-68

Mrs. Harold Wiessenberg *, 1964-66

Mrs. Sidney Grodsky*, 1962-64

Mrs. Ellie Schill*, 1960-62

Mrs. Sam Kancher*, 1958-60

Mrs. Alus Zeve*, 1956-58

Amy Lake*, 1954-56

Mrs. Nathan Mohre*, 1952-54

Mrs. B L Zoller Jr*, 1950-52

Mrs. Bernard Manheim*, 1948-50

Mrs. Sidney Mimeles*, 1946-48

Estelle Rabin*, 1945-46

Mrs. Sam Fellman*, 1943-45

Mrs. Emanuel Pulitzer*, 1942-43

Mrs. Guy Levy*, 1940-42

Mrs. Arthur Leopold*, 1939-40

Mrs. Lazard Hayem*, 1937-39

Mrs. B L Zoller Sr*, 1934-37 

Mrs. David Feldman*, 1933-34

Mrs. Mendel Silver*,   1932-33

Mrs. Max Rosenthal*, 1929-32

Mrs. A L Shushan*, 1925-28 

WRJ /CGoP Sisterhood also supports the mission and goals of the Women of Reform Judaism. WRJ strengthens the voice of women worldwide and empowers them to create caring communities, nurture congregations, cultivate personal and spiritual growth and advocate for and promote Progressive Jewish Values. We look forward to welcoming you to the CGoP Sisterhood. 


Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785