Does my child have to be toilet-trained to attend school?
We do not feel that it is appropriate to pressure a child to become toilet-trained. Every child develops at a different time. For that reason, we do not require two and three-year-olds to be trained. We do expect children in our three-year-old class to work on toilet training during the school year, and our teachers are happy to encourage a routine at school that has been started at home. Four-year-olds are expected to be toilet trained.
What ways can parents participate at Gates Preschool?
We have a very active parent’s group, involved in fundraising and other activities. All parents are encouraged to become active in any or all projects such as baking for events, birthday celebrations at school for their child, room parent, office help, Scholastic book coordinator, etc.
Do the children play outside?
We encourage outside play every day, weather permitting. The children love our playground and outdoor activities.
What is your visitation policy?
We have an open door policy for parental visits. Our parents are always welcome.
What method of discipline do you use?
Our primary mode of discipline is redirection. In extreme cases, children may be asked to sit out of an activity for a few minutes with a teacher present if they need to gain self-control. A staff member is always present with the child while he/she is denied participation. Corporal punishment is never used. Communication with our families is an integral part of our behavior management program.
Do children have extra programs during the week?
Students participate in our enrichment program daily. Enrichment subjects include Spanish, Hebrew, Music, Yoga, Gymnastics, and STEAM.
What holidays do you celebrate at school?
Every Friday, the entire school celebrates Shabbat. We have a lovely, age appropriate Shabbat service in the sanctuary with our Rabbis and Cantorial Soloist with story and songs. We celebrate all the Jewish holidays as well as Thanksgiving.
Do the children go on field trips?
Our Pre-K Program classes go on adult accompanied field trips throughout the year. These trips are usually related to a topic they are learning. The trips are always chaperoned by teachers and parents. There are multiple on-campus “field trips” throughout the year.
Does Gates Preschool serve snacks during the day?
A snack is served in the morning. Each family will provide a healthy snack for the class on a monthly basis. The children are typically served fresh fruit, crackers, cereal or cheese. The children bring their lunch to school if they are enrolled for a full day. Lunches may not contain pork or shellfish products in keeping with our dietary policy. A school snack is served in the late afternoon for those children registered for our After Care Program. We can accommodate children who have food allergies.
Where can I find information on your curriculum?
We invite you to call and make an appointment to visit our school. We’ll be happy to show you our classrooms and share our curriculum at that time. Our standards are creative, stimulating, and offer developmentally appropriate lessons for your children.
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Tue, March 25 2025
25 Adar 5785
Tomorrow's Calendar
News & Schmooze : 12:00pm |
Adult Hebrew : 6:00pm |
Adult Ed with Rabbi Gerber : 7:00pm |
Friday Night
Shabbat Worship : 6:15pm |
Shabbat Day
Torah Study : 9:15am |
Shabbat Morning Worship - Bar Mitzvah Jackson Becker : 10:30am |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Mar 26 News & Schmooze Wednesday, Mar 26 12:00pm |
Mar 26 Adult Hebrew Wednesday, Mar 26 6:00pm |
Mar 26 Adult Ed with Rabbi Gerber Wednesday, Mar 26 7:00pm |
Mar 27 Choir Rehearsal Thursday, Mar 27 7:30pm |
Mar 30 J-FLEx Sunday, Mar 30 9:30am |
This week's Torah portion is Parashat P'kudei
Shabbat, Mar 29 |
Erev Passover
Shabbat, Apr 12 |
Webmasters- Rabbi David Gerber and Phil Gaethe
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