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Online Membership Application

By becoming a member of Congregation Gates of Prayer, you are joining an engaged, thriving
community committed to finding connection with Jewish tradition. We offer a wide range of opportunities
to engage spiritually, educationally, and socially in Jewish life. We are dedicated to innovating and reimagining
how Judaism can be meaningful, led first and foremost by the passions and interests of our

Congregation Gates of Prayer is a warm, welcoming community. The pledge amounts below are based
on our annual operating budget. Your contribution ensures that our community is not only maintained but
continues to grow and develop along with you and your family. Membership is one of many ways to
invest and contribute to this kehillah, this sacred community.

Full Membership – We encourage an annual contribution of at least 2% of gross annual income including
salary, interest, dividends, royalties etc. For those with gross annual income below $37,500, we suggest
at least a $750 commitment. Annual commitments do not include J-FLEx (religious school), B’nai Mitzvah,
Sisterhood, Brotherhood, Gates Preschool, or other fees.

Affiliate Membership - This option is ideal for families or individuals who maintain primary membership at
another synagogue. These persons may be permanent or temporary residents of the Greater New
Orleans region. We encourage an annual contribution of at least $375.

Every household is an important and equal part of Congregation Gates of Prayer. We strive to meet the
needs of everyone wishing to be part of our congregational family and no one is turned away due to
financial considerations. If you are unable to commit to the amount for Base Membership, we encourage
you to contact our Executive Director at Conversations will remain

At Congregation Gates of Prayer, we value transparency and accessibility. Our Board of Trustees, under
the guidance of the Membership Vice President, oversees the new member approval process. As you
consider membership, please do not hesitate to reach out. Our clergy, staff and board members are
available to answer your questions or concerns.

Adult Member (A)

Emergency Contact

Adult Member (B)

Emergency Contact

Children (including adult children)

Child 1

Emergency Contact - Child 1

Child 2

Emergency Contact - Child 2 (If different from previously listed child)

Child 3

Emergency Contact - Child 3 (If different from previously listed child)

Child 4

Emergency Contact - Child 4 (If different from previously listed child)

General Information

Please include both names and relationships.
Yahrzeits are observed and announced on the Shabbat following the anniversary of death. For those you wish remembered, please list the name, their relationship to a family member, and the English month, day and year of death.

Payment Information


Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785