Gates of Camp Initiative
Congregation Gates of Prayer is excited to announce that the Gates of Camp, or GO-Camp initiative will continue for its second year. All J-FLExers (those attending J-FLEx) will be eligible for an award totaling 50% of the cost of their tuition to a Reform Jewish sleep away camp.
This award is available to anyone who is a member in good standing of our congregation and J-FLEx. To determine a student’s standing in J-FLEx, we’re turning to a tried and true method of engagement: the Phil Shekel.
Each student must earn 175 GO-Camp Phil Shekels throughout the school year. They can be earned through J-FLEx attendance, attending services and holidays, participating in the youth group, or any number of meaningful community activities. Parents can earn Phil Shekels for their kids as well by serving on committees, singing in the choir, or joining the Brotherhood or Sisterhood. A full list of opportunities to earn Phil Shekels is on our website.
Studies have proven that children who attend Jewish summer camp are more likely to be members of a congregation, observe Jewish rituals at home, and support Israel. With the GO-Camp initiative, we hope the children of our community will have impactful summers at camp and meaningful Jewish lives with our congregation throughout the year.
To learn more, you can reach out to Rabbi Gerber. Please click this link for more information and to sign up for J-FLEx!
F.A.Q. About Go Camp Program
How are we able to do this?
The GO-Camp initiative is possible thanks to a generous donation by an anonymous donor.
Which camps are eligible?
All sleep away camps affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) are automatically eligible. Other Jewish sleep away camps may be considered at the discretion of the donor.
How do I earn Phil Shekels?
Phil Shekels are earned through engagement with the congregation. There are 27 sessions of J-FLEx and each day is valued at 3 Phil Shekels, so your child can earn almost half the shekels needed by attending regularly. For those who cannot attend every Sunday, shekels can be earned through attending services, life cycles, volunteering…etc. Our list of engagement can be found here.
How will we be keeping track of the Phil Shekel totals?
In addition to taking attendance at J-FLEx events, we will be using a loyalty program code that can be scanned when you attend various events. Please click HERE or scan QR code below to sign up for the Go Camp loyalty scan code. Make sure to add your child's scan code to your Apple Wallet or Google Pay App. Find Rabbi Gerber or Phil Gaethe to scan your code while attending worship/programs at CGoP.
Apple IOS instructions:
Use same link/QR Code above if using Google platform.
Are Go Camp Phil Shekels the same as the printed Phil Shekels previously given out on Sunday mornings?
No, the printed Phil Shekels given to J-FLExers for acts of loving kindness and strong participation during J-FLEx are not the same as the Go Camp Phil Shekels. Go Camp Phil Shekels will be given out digitally through the Go Camp Loyalty App.
J-FLExers will continue to receive printed Phil Shekels on Sundays which can be used at the J-FLEx Shuk (store).
Does the child have to be enrolled in J-FLEx
Yes. At least 60 Phil Shekels must be earned through J-FLEx either on Sundays, or J-FLEx Shabbats/Retreats.
Is this needs based?
No. Think of this as a birthright for children of Congregation Gates of Prayer
What if I don’t need the award?
If you decline the award, you may choose to donate the amount you would have received. You can donate it back to the GO-Camp fund, or another fund at Gates of Prayer that you value. We hope that through this you can learn the value of tzedakah.
Can I still apply for other scholarships?
Yes…in fact you must apply for any scholarship that is available. This includes the Brotherhood and Sisterhood Campership awards. You can apply by clicking here.
What about Olim?
The New Orleans Jewish Community offers a scholarship for those attending Olim at Jacobs Camp that already covers half of the tuition. If your child is eligible for Olim, they must apply for this scholarship. GO-Camp will cover 50% of what the camper owes after the Goldring Scholarship is awarded.
When can we begin earning Go Camp Phil Shekels?
J-FLExers and parents may begin earning "Go Camp Phil Shekels" now with worship and study opportunities at Gates of Prayer.
How do we get reimbursed after my child has attended a Reform Jewish Sleep Away Camp?
To qualify for reimbursement, members must achieve the prescribed number of Phil Shekels and be in good standing. To be considered in good standing, members must meet the minimum Fair Share requirements as outlined in the Congregational Bylaws, their Fair Share obligation and J-FLEx tuition must be current, and all other outstanding fees must be paid.
Therefore, Go-Camp reimbursements will automatically be applied to member accounts as follows:
- All past due Fair Share obligations (all outstanding Fair Share obligations prior to 2024-2025)
- All past due J-FLEx tuition (all outstanding J-FLEx tuition payments prior to 2024-2025)
- All B’nai Mitzvah fees, Book of Remembrance fees, GoPTY fees, Gates Preschool Tuition fees
- Campers must attend at URJ-accredited camp
Once the above fees/payments have been satisfied, remaining balances will be refunded to members by check or applied to member accounts as credits, or to the synagogue as donations.
Tue, March 25 2025
25 Adar 5785
Tomorrow's Calendar
News & Schmooze : 12:00pm |
Adult Hebrew : 6:00pm |
Adult Ed with Rabbi Gerber : 7:00pm |
Friday Night
Shabbat Worship : 6:15pm |
Shabbat Day
Torah Study : 9:15am |
Shabbat Morning Worship - Bar Mitzvah Jackson Becker : 10:30am |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Mar 26 News & Schmooze Wednesday, Mar 26 12:00pm |
Mar 26 Adult Hebrew Wednesday, Mar 26 6:00pm |
Mar 26 Adult Ed with Rabbi Gerber Wednesday, Mar 26 7:00pm |
Mar 27 Choir Rehearsal Thursday, Mar 27 7:30pm |
Mar 30 J-FLEx Sunday, Mar 30 9:30am |
This week's Torah portion is Parashat P'kudei
Shabbat, Mar 29 |
Erev Passover
Shabbat, Apr 12 |
Webmasters- Rabbi David Gerber and Phil Gaethe
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